Monday, December 15, 2014

Believe in your Dreams

As the holidays commence and my time fills with wrapping presents and baking cookies and preparing for the homecoming of my children, I find myself imagining what Christmas would have been like for the characters in my novels.  With the first book finished, I am now writing the second book in the series.  This story-line takes place in the late 19th century.  I "see" my characters before me and the 21st century seems to disappear.

Yesterday, I was flying in a jet on my way home from California to New York.  But in my mind, I was standing on a New York City Street, peeking through a window and looking into the home of the family in my second novel.  I could see them all, gathered together, decorating their tree and lighting candles.  Snow covering their stoop, the front door decorated and adorned with a bountiful wreath.  In the midst of all the twists and turns of their lives, my characters are taking a moment to enjoy their family.  They and I both know that life is not as simple as it seems to be when viewed from the perspective of an outside window.  But there are times when all the peripheral drama can be held at bay, and life and love can simply be enjoyed.  

To all of my readers, I am wishing you the most wonderful of all holidays!  Wherever you are, whatever your faith, take a moment and hold the drama at bay and enjoy those close to you.

I am looking forward to the New Year and the hopes of having my first novel published.  I will put my efforts into finding a Literary Agent who believes in my writing.  If all else fails, there is always self-publishing.  But I believe my story is worthy of the support that traditional publishing would provide.  And isn't this holiday season about Believing!  So that is my New Years' Resolution.  To do all I can to get my first novel, "The Tin Box Secret," to you in 2015.  Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy New Year!  And may you gather the courage to make your own dreams come true.

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