Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Cyber Personalities

This is not meant to offend anyone, I just thought it was an interesting and entertaining observation.  Do you have any more to add to this list?

1.    The Traveler:  “I am here . . .  check out my GPS!”
2.    The Narcissist:  “Don’t you just want to be me!”
3.    The Paranoid Schizophrenic:  “Everyone is against me!  Please feel sorry for me.”
4.    The Dictator:  “If I ran the world, all the problems would be solved.”
5.    The  Zealot:  “God will make everything alright and if HE doesn't, it’s because YOU didn't believe.”
6.    The Mystic:  “If everyone would just meditate with me, there would be world peace.”
7.    The Gossip:  “I know what’s happening, read my posts if you want to stay informed.”
8.    The Creeper:  “I don’t post because I am better than all of you, I’ll just creep.”
9.    The Food Guru: "I am sharing my great inventive recipes!  Don't miss out!” 
10.  The Comedian:  "Bet that I can make you laugh!”
11.    The Therapist:  “I can help you be a better you!  Just let me fix you and then you’ll be as happy as me!”
12.   The Gatherer:  “Family and Friends gather here—join me or be left out.”
13.   The Patriot:  “I never forget, not even for one minute, the sacrifices others have made for me.”
14.   The Club Guru:  “I am where the music is at!”
15.   The Photographer:  “You don't have to leave your laptop/tablet, the world can be seen through my lens.”
16.    The Re-poster:  “I can’t think of anything original to say so I’ll just re-post something that someone else said.”
17.  The Proud Parent:  “My kids are better than yours!”
18.  The Embarrassed Parent:  “Look what they did now!”
19.  The Single Once-Again Parent:  "Whoot!”
20.  The Gamer:  “Join this game so that I can beat you!”

Friday, January 10, 2014

Stages of Life

When you are a child, you value love.  Love of your mother when she holds you in her arms.  Love of your father when he pushes you on a swing.

When you are a teenager, you value freedom.  Freedom to take that first drive alone in your car. Freedom to go away to college to live on your own without your parents.

When you are an adult, you value time.  Time with your family.  Time to do the things you enjoy.

When you are old, you value love, freedom, and time.
Love from your children who seem too busy for you.
Freedom from a body that won't allow you to take a simple walk without pain.
Time to do all the things you never did.
But most of all when you are old, you value the choice to make your own decisions.