Thursday, August 2, 2012

Russian Audience

Well now, I see I have a Russian audience.  That is very exciting!  Since I do, I would like to share something with them.  If  you've read my first chapter, then you know what it was like to be a child in America growing up during the Cold War.  Interestingly, around 1979 I was at a dinner meeting where two Russian dissidents were the guest speakers.  After listening to them, for the first time, I realized that the people who live within a country are not the government.  That I had been wrong to view the people of Russia as my enemy.  It was their government that was the enemy of my government. 

They did not agree with their government and were in the U.S. to tell us what it was really like to live there.  This was at a time before the Internet.  I found it fascinating to hear their point of view.  Would love to know what it was like on the other side.  Were you as worried as we were?

1 comment:

  1. Want to also say that the thing that I still remember them saying is that they just wanted to work and raise their families in peace just like everyone else in the world. I know that isn't "news" to anyone in today's day and age, but back then, it was.


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